Well here we are ladies and gents. It's 2017 and we've all been waiting for it with baited breath. How do we feel... excited? Ready and raring to go? Or are you scared of whats to come and you're still glued to the sofa?
I've had a very slow start and I think it's due to the fact I'm 30 and can't party like I used to haha. A hangover really affects me now a days and seeing as I went for it on NYE; I've been struggling ever since. I'm half ready and raring to go and half scared to venture outside and face real life.
I keep reading all these positive, life affirming blog posts and I've bought the life planners and new stationary for all those lists I should be writing but I'm not quite ready yet. That's ok right? I've got another 350+ days ahead of me and I know once I get my ass into gear; it's on!
If you're feeling like me and you're not quite there yet; it's ok. Take your time and don't beat yourself up about the fact you haven't got your shit together, you're still in the same pants as you were wearing on NYE and that new 'To Do' pad is still empty. We all go through life at a different pace and even if it feels like everyone around you is speeding off and already achieving great things; just know there are others around you *like me* that need a little more time.
We'll get there and it'll be beautiful. Hey, it can't be any worse than 2016!
Here's a cute outfit I shot just before Christmas but true to form; I've only just gotten around to posting it!
Photographs by JKGPhotography

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