I shot this look a little while back but then September happened & it just went a little crazy for me. Now that it's a little quieter and my LFW looks are all posted; here is my delightful, fringey, pinky look.
Take one statement tassel-tastic jacket and team it with casual daytime pieces and you've got a winning look (in my opinion).
I love taking a really 'wow factor' item and dressing it down. This Elvi tassel jacket sadly sold out pretty fast but you can still find the skirt version here. Lets hope they restock it! For an alternative look; try a sequin jacket, slogan T-shirt and jeans. I also love styling a glam kimono jacket in this same fashion. Items previously associated with night time looks shouldn't just be kept for when it turns dark!
The silky satin *shirt I've paired with this jacket is just gorgeous! It was ironed pre-blog shoot but I somehow managed to make it look like I slept in a tent. Tent Chic...could that be a thing? The shirt is the softest thing ever and feels so luxe. I love Navabi and if you've never looked on their site; I suggest you do it asap! This is the first Persona by Marina Rinaldi item I have owned and I am truly thankful to Navabi for sending it to me to style up.
I've finally found myself some super comfy ripped jeans (well they are actually labelled as 'jeggings') but they seem really jean-like to me. I have them in black but I love this grey update. I have gone years without wearing jeans but now I have them; it's dangerous... I keep wearing them religiously!
Photographs by JKGPhotography
Finally, to finish the look off I have some cute pink Gazelles on my feet and a lovely burgundy suede bag which I've been wearing with everything!

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